
On Tuesday, 19 October 2010, LGen Kurt Herrmann, the Director NATO CIS Services Agency (NCSA), visited the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre in Lisbon, Portugal.

The purpose of the visit was to become familiar with the activities, organisation, CIS capabilities and challenges of the JALLC and to participate in the Activation Ceremony of the NCSA detachment (NSE Monsanto). After a welcome by the Commander, Brigadier General Peter Sonneby, there was a special JALLC All, during which the NCSA Detachment (NSE Monsanto) was officially activated after speeches of both COM JALLC and the Director NCSA. This ceremony was concluded with a “Port d’ Honour” on the future cooperation between the JALLC and NSE Monsanto.

Following the ceremony LGen Herrmann was briefed on the role and capabilities of the JALLC and areas of common interest between the JALLC and NCSA. LGen Herrmann expressed particular interest in the development of the NATO Lessons Learned Portal.

LGen Herrmann expressed his appreciation for the visit and for the support to the NSE Monsanto. He concluded his visit by signing the JALLC Book of Honour.