On 27 April 2016, the JALLC received a visit from NATO's Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges, his Excellency Ambassador Sorin Ducaru. The JALLC Commander – Brigadier General Mircea Mîndrescu – presented the Centre as NATO's lead agent for Joint Analysis regarding operations, exercises, training and experiments. BGEN Mîndrescu also explained the JALLC's engagement in the collection and dissemination of NATO Lessons Learned through the NATO Lessons Learned Portal.
Among other subjects, JALLC analysts elaborated on the recent joint analysis project titled: Attack the Networks, which was requested by Ambassador Ducaru’s Department, and the JALLC study which analysed Cyber Defence Situation Awareness in NATO. The Ambassador, who follows cyber defence closely, was also interested in an update on the JALLC initiative to create a “NATO Cyber Defence Community of Interest” within the NATO Lessons Learned Portal, which has received inputs on the subject after recent exercises.
Ambassador Sorin Ducaru came to Lisbon to participate in the International Conference on Cyber Defence on 28 April 2016. He is responsible for providing support to the North Atlantic Council and for advising the Secretary General on the evolution of emerging security challenges, their potential impact on NATO's security, and the development of relevant policies and action plans. Additionally, the Ambassador directs the Emerging Security Challenges Division of the NATO International Staff and coordinates NATO's Science for Peace and Security Programme.