
On 18 March 2016, Rear Admiral Denis Bigot, SHAPE ACOS J9, visited the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre (JALLC), and was welcomed by Commander JALLC, Brigadier General Mircea Mîndrescu.

The aim of the visit was to inform RADM Bigot about the role of JALLC within NATO and the ability of the JALLC to support and contribute to NATO and nations. More specifically RADM Bigot was informed about the status of a project directly related to his area of interest and his organization.

After the office call with the Commander JALLCRADM Bigot was provided a briefing covering an overview of JALLC activities, its mission, organization and processes. Next, both parties engaged in a dynamic discussion on subjects of mutual interest.

At the end of the visit the "Book of Honour" was signed by RADM Bigot and a group picture was taken.