During the month of September 2017, the JALLC will be celebrating its 15th Anniversary in a number of ways including a formal ceremony, a commemorative book looking back over the past 15 years of the JALLC and its achievements, and a special edition of the JALLC's newsletter, The Explorer, which will include articles from the JALLC's staff on a host of academic and personal topics. In addition to these activities, the JALLC, in coordination with its sister organization the Joint Warfare Centre, has produced a short video celebrating the 15 years of the JALLC. The video which is available here, explains to the audience what the JALLC does and how it is evolving to meet the challenges of the next 15 years.
The book, 15 years of the JALLC, and the special edition of The Explorer will be available online later this month.