On 20 June 2017, the JALLC received the visit of General Denis Mercier, the Supreme Commander for Transformation (SACT), who shared with the JALLC staff his vision of the future for the Centre. During this full-day working visit, General Mercier received information about the JALLC's present activities and provided his vision of how he sees the JALLC operating in the future as NATO's lead agent for Lessons Learned.
SACT addressed the JALLC staff members, and expressed his satisfaction with the high quality of the work of the Centre, both in its reports and elsewhere. He stressed that it will be essential to have an entity with a focus on Lessons Learned to support the NATO command structure, and that that should be the role of the JALLC. The JALLC's work needs to be dedicated largely to lessons, particularly their implementation. The Nations need to be brought more into the Lessons Learned process and the NATO Lessons Learned Portal that the JALLC manages needs to be used more efficiently.
“We must transform the Centre, to emphasis the focus on Lessons Learned”.
At the end of his visit, General Denis Mercier was interviewed by a Portuguese TV channel (SIC), and explained how the Allied Command Transformation is helping to tailor the way in which NATO will operate in the future