
On 18 May 2016 a delegation of NATO's Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) - Centre of Excellence (CCOE) visited the JALLC. The CCOE delegation was comprised of the Centre’s Director, Colonel Roel Been (Dutch Army) and Branch Chief/Lessons Learned & Development, Lieutenant Colonel Anderson Lars Cramer (Danish Air Force). The delegation was welcomed by Commander JALLC, Brigadier General Mircea Mîndrescu.

The purpose of the visit was to explore the possibility of fostering a closer working relationship between the JALLC and the CCOE. Cooperation between the two organizations would benefit not only both groups as well as the whole NATO Organization.

Discussions centred on a recent JALLC analytical study, concerning NATO's interaction with Non-Military Organizations (NMOs) during military operations. The findings from that study were incorporated by the CCOE’s staff into the revised CCOE functional planning guide. These guidelines will be used in future NATO exercises.

The CCOE, located in The Hague, The Netherlands was founded in 2001 to serve as a conduit for civil-military cooperation. In 2007, the North Atlantic Council granted the CCOE the status of a NATO accredited Centre of Exellence. The three core functions of CCOE are civil-military liaison, support to the force, and to support to civil actors and their environment.

COM JALLC declared the discussions productive and emphasized the numerous opportunities of partnering the CCOE's Civil-Military interaction expertise with the JALLC's analytic skills. The JALLC looks forward to working with the CCOE in future endeavours.