About the Day
On 14 July, France celebrates its national day which commemorates the fall of La Bastille in 1789. It was a fort used as a jail and a gunpowder depot seized by the insurgents("les Revolutionnaires”) that were initially protesting against the increase of the cost of living, especially the price of the bread.
The fall of La Bastille is one of the main events of the French Revolution which led to the installation of the Republic.
Although most English speakers will refer to this anniversary as Bastille day, no French person would call it this, preferring the terms “fete nationale."
Amongst all the festivities, the celebration gives the opportunity for a military parade on the most famous avenue of the World : ‘Les Champs Elysees’, which is probably one of the oldest military parades.
As we work in the JALLC we can derive two Lessons Learned from this national holiday :
- The French are rebels; and
- Bread is important.
What do you miss most about home?
The baguettes of course !
What do you find rewarding about working in a multinational environment like JALLC?
In JALLC, everybody enjoys representing their country at its best, either when working or during after work activities which leads to good working practices and to the discovery of national cooking specialities.
What is something unique in Portugal that others may not know?
Sardinhas grelhadas, what else ?
How do you usually celebrate this national day (in Portugal or in your country)?
Since I am in Portugal, I will not take part in a military parade or ceremony as I would probably have done if I had been home. So I will probably just put on my best uniform and parade for my family in the living room to deserve a nice glass of champagne!
Pictures: Design elements for the Bastille Day ( https://www.vectorstock.com/royalty-free-vector/set-design-elements-for-the-bastille-day-14-july-vector-5612738); Bastille Day military parade on the Champs-Elysees (https://www.parisinsidersguide.com/bastille-day-celebrations.html)