On Friday, 26 August, the Chief of Staff, NATO Deployable Corps - Greece ( NDC-GR) Headquarters, Major General Nikolaos Tamouridis, visited the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre ( JALLC) in Lisbon, Portugal.
The visit began with a welcome by the JALLC Commander, Brigadier General Peter Sonneby. After introductions, the guests were presented with a brief on JALLC's activities, internal structure and processes. This was followed by a briefing by Colonel Frederic Curtaz, Chief of Exercises, Training and Experimentation, on Lessons Learned with regards to the NATO Response Force ( NRF). Because NDC-GR HQ will take over NRF HQ in 2012, MGen Tamouridis was very interested in how the JALLC could assist NDC-GR HQ in establishing Lessons Learned capabilities at the HQ level; in particular, the domains of training, structure, procedures and tools. The visit concluded with the signing of the JALLC Book of Honour.