
On 6 December 2017, the JALLC received the visit of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Resources and Management of the Supreme Allied Command Transformation—Major General Grzegorz Sodolski (Polish Army). The aim of the visit was for the General to gain situation awareness of the JALLC's adaptation to its new role as NATO's Leading Agent for Lessons Learned.

Major General Sodolski had an office call meeting with the Commander and the Chief of Staff, debating the resources needed for the JALLC to fulfil its six main tasks: the management of the NATO Lessons Learned Portal; analysis projects; Lessons Learned outreach; Lessons Learned training; support to exercises; and the NATO Lessons Learned Conference.

After the office call, Major General Sodolski addressed the JALLC staff members, expressing his appreciation for the Centre’s good work and his vision for the “bright future of the JALLC”.