
On 21 April 2017, the JALLC received a visit from Major General Alfredo Sanz (Spanish Army), the Deputy Chief of Staff Resources for the Supreme Allied Power Europe (DCOS RES SHAPE). The purpose of Major General Sanz’s visit was to gain situation awareness on the JALLC's mission, the way theJALLCis organized and the resources available to execute the products the Alliance requires. Major General Sanz had an Office Call with Brigadier General Mário Barreto—the Commander of the JALLC—followed by a presentation about the JALLC, its products and activities. After the briefing, Major General Sanz visited the JALLC facilities.

Major General Alfredo Sanz expressed his appreciation for the visit to the JALLC, saying:

“It was a great pleasure and honour to visit the JALLC, which excels in providing NATO with findings and recommendations to help it to carry out its work with full understanding and to benefit from Lessons Learned. I found this visit extremely useful and I encourage the JALLC to keep up the high standard and spirit they show on a daily basis.”