This week the JALLC launched the NATO Lessons Learned Conference 2022 (NLLC22) platform on Attendify which marks the start of the run up to the event which is confirmed to take place from 04 to 05 May in a hybrid live-virtual format. Participants attending online will be able to follow live presentations from the JALLC’s studio in Lisbon and participate in panel discussions on topics based around the conference theme: “A flashback of two decades of learning to gain insights for the next five years"
The conference is the first in a series of events celebrating the JALLC’s 20th anniversary and offers an opportune moment to reflect, with the NATO LL community and guests, on the past 20 years of learning. The NLLC22 will cover key success stories and shortfalls of LL from the last two decades, highlighting findings in support of enhancing the development of a more effective LL Capability across NATO and looking at ways to potentially improve the Alliance’s organizational learning.
In addition to the plenary presentations, participants will be invited to join panel discussions on topics related to the overall theme, the outcome of which will be used to feed into the improvement of NATO’s LL Capability.
From today, NLLC22 participants will be able to register for the event and gain access to the NLLC22’s dedicated virtual platform on Attendify. This platform contains all the pre-conference related information and material, the preliminary agenda. Information about the key speakers, and it will be where NLLC22 participants connect with the event in plenary sessions.
If you’re interested in registering for the event, you can download a copy of the registration form and instructions here (please note you will need to (request) access to the NATO LL Portal (NLLP) to be able to download the form and register for the event. Access can be requested by simply following the instruction on the home page of the NLLP.
We’re looking forward to seeing you all at the NLLC22, whether in person or virtually, everyone is welcome to share their expertise and experience at this event. We will be providing regular updates on the NLLC22 here on the JALLC’s website and on the NLLP, so make sure you stay tuned.