The NATO-wide Executive Development Programme (NEDP) is NATO's prestigious nine-month course, designed specifically for civilians working in NATO wanting to expand their NATO-horizons. It is comprised of a mix of residential and distance learning modules aimed at building and developing a network of talented international civilians from across the Alliance. The intensive course not only enhances the participants’ knowledge of NATO, its identity, and core values, but also provides insights into a rapidly changing world and the global security environment.
Up to 24 participants are selected each year from across NATO after a rigorous selection procedure to ensure that NATO's best and brightest civilians get the opportunity to expand their horizons and gain a better understanding of the Alliance. The five residential modules see participants travelling across the NATO globe to meet key leadership from NATO HQ, both strategic commands, and various other entities and agencies in NATO that play a significant role in the Way NATO Works. The nine-month distance learning modules take place via an interactive learning platform and cover topics specific to NATO but also more general business management topics
In 2017, the JALLC's Editor, Jodie Lazell, successfully applied to the NEDP and began her learning journey with 23 other NEDP participants hailing from all over NATO, including the International Staff, the Joint Force Training Centre, Joint Force Command Brunssum, and the NATO Information and Communications Agency, to name but a few. The journey began and ended in Brussels with trips to Allied Command Transformation in Norfolk, Virginia, USA, and to the NATO Defence College in Rome, Italy, which gave participants face-to-face time with NATO leadership to learn about the organization and ask questions.
An important part of the NEDP is the analysis project that is assigned to NEDP project teams made up of participants. This year four projects were assigned to the teams covering: Business Continuity, Alternative Analysis. Centres of Excellence, and the project that Jodie worked on: Fostering Alliance Innovation.
The NEDP projects are intended to provide added value for the Alliance and require participants to propose solutions to problems that have been identified by NATO entities acting as project sponsors. The NEDP project teams have the full nine-months to complete the work that includes collecting and analysing data, drawing conclusions, and making recommendations, writing a report on the work conducted, and ultimately presenting findings at the final residential module at NATO HQ in Brussels to a distinguished audience of NATO colleagues.
The JALLC is proud to announce that another of its staff has been accepted into this prestigious programme for the next cycle. The JALLC's Senior Operational Research Analyst, Ms. Katie Mauldin, will join the NEDP for the 2019-2020 cycle. We wish her lots of luck and learning on her journey.