The JALLC Joint Advisory and Training Team deployed to Jordan, one of the seven members of the NATO's Mediterranean Dialogue, to provide NATO Lessons Learned training to the Jordan Armed Forces (JAF) from 22 to 26 October, at the Joint Centre for Strategic Studies and Lessons Learned (JCSSLL). The JCSSLL was created in 2010 to provide strategic studies on the regional security environment and to build a national LL capability, aligned with the one in NATO.
The training objectives included providing support to the improvement of the Jordanian Lessons Learned (LL) capability and to the enhancement of its interoperability with the NATO LL Process. In total, 18 officers of various services from the JAF attended the course.
The topics delivered included an introduction to NATO's and JALLC's Organization and Mission, the NATO LL Capability, and the definition and practice of the Observation, Discussion, Conclusion, Recommendation (ODCR) format. Additionally, the training also covered an Introduction to Analysis and Analysis Techniques, the NATO Lessons Learned Portal and Communities of Interest, and NATO Lessons Learned in exercises and operations.