On 05 April 2017, Professor Trevor Taylor of the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) talked to the JALLC and participants from the Portuguese defence community about the UNITED STATES’ THIRD OFFSET STRATEGY and its prospects. Professor Taylor gave a fascinating talk about the changing threats that NATO is seeking to counter, the kind of missions and operations that are likely in the future, and the need for a step-change in capability through innovation.
Professor Taylor suggested that the necessary step-change in capability will happen if the defence community can adapt existing technologies and thinking for new purposes, make connections between existing technologies and thinking, and take advantage of the huge proportion of total global research and development spending that is undertaken by commercial companies for civil purposes.
"Innovation is not just about technology: it is also about thinking and behaviours. Innovation will only come if we are more ready to tolerate failure”
The seminar forms part of the RUSI–JALLC partnership framework agreed in May 2016, which includes a workshop covering JALLC project themes, two lectures on contemporary, strategic-level defence and security topics, and a major corporate RUSI membership for the JALLC. The partnership means that JALLC can benefit from the latest cutting-edge RUSI defence research and analysis findings and best practice in contemporary strategic level topics.
Commenting on the successful delivery of the Third Offset Strategy seminar, the JALLC's Commander, Brigadier General Mário Barreto (Portuguese Airforce) stated:
“The seminar provided the participants with valuable insights into the changing defence world and the critical role of innovation in responding to the challenges. It was a privilege to hear the views of one of the research community’s recognized experts on these issues.”