The Bi-SC NATO Lessons Learned Conference 2018 (NLLC 18), hosted by the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre (JALLC), will be held on 20 – 22 March 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal.
The aim of the 2018 conference is to discuss and recommend ways and means to improve the interoperability of Lessons within the Alliance and to assess the impact that the NATO Lessons Learned Optimization Action Plan has had on the NATO Lesson Learned capability. Accordingly, this year’s conference will cover two themes:
- Interoperability and Information Exchange of Lessons within NATO and with Partners, including IOs, GOs, and NGOs; and
- NATO Lessons Learned Optimization Action Plan assessment and adaption.
The conference will be a practical event. After initial input from key speakers, the themes will be addressed through work in syndicates. Each syndicate will be led by one of the key speakers, supported by JALLC Subject Matter Experts, and will aim to deliver concrete recommendations. These will be combined into a final statement, to be presented and debated during a plenary session on the last day. The statement will form the basis for further research to be conducted by the JALLC, resulting in a final report with conclusions and recommendations.
Additional details can be found in the Calling Letter, issued by the JALLC on 6 December 2017, and in the NATO Lessons Learned Portal as planning progresses.
Registration for NLLC 18 will be available on the NATO Lessons Learned Portal from 15 January to 16 February 2018.