The JALLC held the Local NATO Lessons Learned Portal Management Course (LNMC) at the NATO Communications & Information Academy facilities in Oeiras, Portugal on 17 – 19 November 2020. Because of COVID-19 restrictions, the course was limited to a total of nine participants. Participants included staff from the JALLC, the Counter Improvised Explosive Devices Centre of Excellence, Allied Land Command, the Deployable Air Command and Control Centre, and the Maritime Geospatial, Meteorological & Oceanographic Centre of Excellencem_DSC_1805.jpg

The course purpose was to train the Local NLLP Managers, who are the individuals responsible for facilitating the NATO Lessons Learned Process in their organization.  Instructors provided the knowledge and technical skills necessary for the Local NLLP Managers to most efficiently and effectively fulfil their roles.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic related restrictions, the JALLC was able to make the course as interactive and informative as possible. One of the primary activities was for the instructors and participants to test the new NLLP webpage layout and functionalities. The current NLLP is under construction and will be remodelled to improve user-friendliness, accessibility, and efficacy.  An improved NLLP will help Local NLLP Managers more effectively facilitate the Lessons Learned Process in their organizations across the Alliance, ultimately improving NATO’s overall Lessons Learned Capability.
