On 27 April 2017, a delegation from the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre (JALLC) led by Colonel Henrique Santos (Chief of Staff JALLC, PRT Army) participated in a workshop in London with the globally recognised think tank the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). During the workshop, which was conducted under Chatham House Rules, participants addressed questions relevant to current JALLC analysis projects and to future areas of Joint Analysis and shared best practice in defence analysis methods.
Reflecting on the findings and conclusions of the workshop, RUSI's Professor John Louth and Colonel Santos agreed that the workshop had successfully advanced the knowledge and skill sets of both RUSI and JALLC participants. As an opportunity to benefit from independent thinking and an open exchange o f views, the RUSI–JALLC workshop fits well with the aim of the Supreme Allied Commander Transformation to advance engagement with thought leaders in the academic and think tank world.