Always working towards strengthening international military cooperation and enhancing operational effectiveness, the JALLC Advisory and Training Team (JATT) deployed to the Escuela de lnfanteria to train the Colombian Armed Forces on 25 -27 June 2024.
The aim of the engagement was to provide specialized Lessons Learned (LL) training to staff and key leaders, making up the LL network of the Colombian Army. This collaboration underscores the importance of sharing knowledge and best practices among global military forces to address contemporary security challenges.
The visit was hosted by the Director of National Army Doctrine Colonel Alexander López Castrillón and the Director of the Army International Relations, Colonel Paola Andrea Trujilo Colmenares and serves to demonstrate the mutual commitment to fostering a robust LL partnership between NATO and the Colombian Army. The JATT, comprising experts from three NATO Nations, brought a wealth of experience in NATO LL as well as in understanding Partner Nation LL Capabilities and how they interact with the NATO LL Capability.
During their stay in Colombia, the JATT conducted a series of intensive workshops and training sessions tailored to the specific needs of the Colombian Army. 50 students attended the class, coming from eight Operational Divisions and 32 Army Departments of the “Ejército Nacional de Colombia.” Several translators from the International Relations Department, Languages Section, provided simultaneous interpretation and document translation into Spanish to help enable the students assimilate the training.
The training sessions aimed to inform the participants of the tools and methodologies that NATO uses to conduct its Lessons Learned Process that could contribute to their national understanding of LL, helping them to potentially enhance their own capability and understanding of how NATO does LL. The students received the training with enthusiasm, providing feedback that it will significantly enhance their understanding and capabilities. They valued the knowledge and expertise shared by the JATT and look forward to continued cooperation.
Showing that sharing knowledge is a two-way street, Colonel Castrillón provided his own insights on the Columbian Armed Forces’ Lessons Learned system during a lecture intended to inform the JATT members. The Colombian system, established in 1963, through its evolution to today’s system, showed how adaptable the Columbian Armed Forces are and their willingness to learn from past operations.
This transfer of knowledge is a testament to the growing collaboration between NATO and partner nations. Such initiatives are vital in building a network of well-prepared and resilient military forces capable of responding to global security challenges. The collaboration between NATO and the Colombian Army in Lessons Learned is expected to continue, with future training sessions and participation in Lessons Learned conferences planned.