On 12 October 2017, the JALLC received a visit from a delegation of the Brazilian Army Doctrine Centre, headed by its Commander; Brigadier General Hertz Pires do Nascimento. The delegation has been visiting similar centres, gathering information and concepts that are relevant to their development of related doctrine and in support of the Brazilian Army’s modernization and transformation.
The Brazilian Delegation had an office call with the JALLC Chief of Staff – Colonel Henrique Santos (Portuguese Army), followed by a presentation and about the NATO Lessons Learned Process and an open discussion about related topics. Among other things, the Brazilian officers learned about NATO Partners Across the Globe, an initiative that extends the Alliance dialogue to countries including: Afghanistan, Australia, Colombia, Iraq, Japan, Mongolia, New Zeeland and Pakistan. These countries develop cooperation with NATO in areas of mutual interest, including emerging security challenges, and some contribute actively to NATO operations either militarily or in some other way.
The Alliance’s Lessons Learned process was also discussed, with particular emphasis on the NATO Lessons Learned Portal developed and is maintained by the JALLC, which is considered a major tool to support NATO's transformation.